At the end of September 2021 Ted Bertrand and Wiebke Heise installed the first 8 LEMI instruments for this season in the Queenstown area. In November that year Malcolm Ingham and Wiebke Heise picked up the 8 instruments and installed them at 8 new locations in Otago, Southland and Fiordland. One site that was picked up had 2 electrodes cut off by a cow and a rabbit and only recorded for 8 days. However, the data was still of good quality in a shorter frequency range. In December 2 teams retrieved 8 sites by vehicle and deployed 8 helicopter sites in Fiordland. In January all helicopter sites were retrieved and deployed in different locations in Southland. In February 2022 the instruments were moved again to complete data collection. During late March 2022, Kristin Pratscher and Malcolm Ingham picked up the last 8 long period MT instruments in Southland, and Wiebke Heise and Stewart Bennie picked up the remote reference site from the Kaingaroa Forest. The data was then processed using the remote reference data.
Above: Phase tensor ellipses of the processed data at 100s, data varies smoothly indicating good data quality. Induction arrows point towards the conductive ocean. A change in resistivity across the suture zone in Otago. Southland is indicated by the change in colour and a more elliptical shape of the southernmost sites in Otago.