Swampy Summit Trip – 21st March 2024
James and Johnny went up to Swampy Summit to diagnose and fix issues with the magnetometer, VLF antenna and riometer. The magnetometer was picking up vibrations from wind, which they suspected was due to a flax plant growing out of the side of the chamber. Since the magnetometer is sensitive to the presence of metal objects, they accidentally set off a “minor aurora alert” in the process of cutting back the plant. They were also able to fix the antenna on the same day after finding that an animal had chewed through the cable. Finally, they also noted that the wires of the riometer were down, however they weren’t able to repair it on this trip.

Awarua Trip #1 – 18th April 2024
Johnny and James went to the Awarua space centre, where one of the magnetometers has been affected by noise caused by a nearby electric fence. They tested the site to try and find a new location for the magnetometer. Ultimately this was unsuccessful, as they could not get far enough away from the fence to eliminate the interference.

Awarua Trip #2 – 14th May 2024
After the first unsuccessful trip, Johnny and James returned to the Awarua space centre to test a site further away, deep in the nearby bush around 250 metres away from the electric fence. The bush was very dense and difficult to move through, however they found a successful test location in the overgrowth.
The next step for this site is to design a new magnetometer chamber. Since it will be far away from the original location, the team will have to figure out how to get power there (perhaps using solar panels). Installing the magnetometer will require digging a new hole, making a concrete platform for the magnetometer, a chamber that needs to be waterproofed, and orienting it in the direction of geographic North with a compass. The timetable for installation is still being decided.