Category: News
Expedition 15 to Antarctica
On 1 November, 2023 James Brundell and Daniel Mac Manus took off from Christchurch heading for Scott Base, Antarctica. James and Daniel make up Otago Space Physics Expedition 15, which was hoped to involve only a short trip to Scott Base. The main goal was to examine noise levels on our VLF electric field antenna near Scott Base, but also to collect…
National Grid UK Technical Talk
On the 8th of November, Mark Clilverd from the British Antarctic Survey delivered an online seminar to National Grid, an energy company operating in the UK and US, titled “Managing the impact of solar flares in the UK – preparing for an extreme event“. There was much interest in this technical talk, and it was…
Welcome to new team members
Welcome to Xinhu Feng 1 October 2023: The Space Physics research group is happy to welcome Mr. Xinhu Feng who is joining the Solar Tsunamis project as a new PhD student. Xinhu is going to be supervised by Prof. Craig Rodger, working on reactive power during space weather events. Welcome to Xinhu, both to our…
General Lecture at URSI GASS 2023 in Japan
The 35th General Assembly of the International Union of Radio Science, held in Sapporo Japan, included a few general lectures given to the whole assembly by invited speakers – the objective being to acquaint an international gathering of specialist radio scientists with the “state of the art” in related radio fields. Craig Rodger was invited…
Speaking tour – Aurora: The Science and the Splendour
It’s that time of year when aurora are becoming clearer in our skies and fantastic photo opportunities await. From 26 June to 2 July 2023, Tūhura Otago Museum Director Dr Ian Griffin, Craig Rodger and Toni Hoeta travelled around the South Island to deliver a series of talks about where to find aurora and techniques…
Visit to BGS
In mid-June 2023 Craig Rodger travelled to the UK and visited our Solar Tsunamis research programme team members. He joined them in Edinburgh, hosted by the Geomagnetism Team at the British Geological Survey (BGS). During the visit, he was shown the historical magnetic field measurements of the 1859 Carrington event, stored in their data archive.…