Data Policy

Any and all material produced using Solar Tsunamis (ST) MANA magnetic field data must abide by the data usage rules outlined below, and must include the following acknowledgement (or words to this effect).

“The authors thank C. J. Rodger, A. T. Hendry, J. Malone-Leigh and the rest of the Otago University Space Physics group for their work developing and maintaining the Solar Tsunamis MANA network. The Solar Tsunamis project is run by the University of Otago, funded by the New Zealand Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment.”

All derived data products found on this website, including STFT spectrograms, magnetograms, etc., are intended for reference purposes only, and are not to be included in any publications or other disseminations. If you would like to include any of the plots found on this site in publications, please contact us using the details provided in the Contacts section of this website, and we will endeavour to provide you with publication quality plots.

The following rules dictate the general requirements that users of the ST magnetic field data must adhere to when using the data for any purposes.

  1. The ST magnetic field data is provided freely and openly to the scientific community and the general public, with the understanding that we make no implicit guarantees as to the validity of this data for any specific purpose.
  2. This data is not provided for commercial use, except under explicit prior agreement.
  3. Users of the ST magnetic field data must acknowledge the source of the data, for instance using the acknowledgement text above.
  4. Users of the ST magnetic field data should contact a member of the ST WP3 magnetic field team before using the data in any presentation or publication. The Principle Investigator Craig Rodger or MANA network deployment lead John Malone-Leigh may suggest potential co-author(s) from the ST project for inclusion on the presentation or publication, as well as suggested articles to be cited.
  5. Users are requested to provide the ST MANA network team with a copy of any publications or disseminations utilising the MANA magnetic field data prior to publication or presentation. It is requested that this be done enough in advance to allow for the WP3 team to provide comments or advice on the usage of the data.