Solar Tsunamis MANA Network

Please note that this part of our website is still under construction, and some pages may be incomplete or missing. Thank you for understanding.

Welcome to the home of the Solar Tsunamis MANA network — the Magnetometer Array for New Zealand Aotearoa. The MANA network is a chain of variometers spanning the length and breadth of Aotearoa New Zealand, created as part of Work Package 3 of the MBIE-funded Solar Tsunamis project. The primary goal of the MANA network is to provide a set of magnetic field measurements local to Aotearoa, which can be used to inform models and simulations of geomagnetically induced currents (GIC) in a local context, as well as the impacts of this GIC on national infrastructure, such as power-grids and pipelines.

This website is a central repository of information about the MANA network, containing the installation sites, the magnetometer setups used at each site, and quicklooks of the MANA network data. We hope that this data may prove useful for other non-GIC purposes; to this end, we are making the data accessible to the broader scientific community. Before accessing and using this data, please familiarise yourself with the network specifications and the Rules of the Road.

Expand the sections below for more information.